Advantage and disadvantage of switching technologies
Change is the only constant and we all need to adapt and adopt with the change. However, sometimes frequent changes may result in instability. To build a strong foundation, it requires a lot of hard work, consistency, and stability.
We are living in an era where Technology is ruling our world and IT Engineers and Developers are the creators of this virtual universe. Being a developer you cannot stop your learning process as each new day is giving birth to a better technology than that was existing yesterday.
Working with different technologies have both good and bad aspects associated with it. Let us discuss each with details.
Advantages of Switching Technology
It is always advised to stick with one technology for an adequate amount of time so that you can master that technology.Once when you realize that you are thorough with that technology then it’s not necessary to continue with the same ( from a learning point of view ) unless you are involved in the development and expansion of that technology ( R & D).
The growth of any organization is directly proportional to the technology they use. So it becomes necessary to switch technology. It’s not necessary that you start learning a very new technology but you need to choose a different technology from the one you were already working on. This will expand your thought process and will open new and different ways of thinking to solve a problem.
Disadvantages of Switching Technology :
Switching technologies frequently without spending a considerable amount of time will definitely make your CV look attractive but you might lag behind when the implementation of that technology is required.
Switching technologies frequently without spending a considerable amount of time will definitely make your CV look attractive but you might lag behind when the implementation of that technology is required.
In a nutshell, one should spend sufficient amount of time on one technology and then switch to other. This will not only build a strong foundation in one technology but also help you to learn and grasp new technologies better. Because in the world of technology , LOGIC plays the major role !
The idea mentioned above is applicable in our real lives too.Like different hobbies, domains, subjects etc. one should try as many options as possible however keeping quality above quantity, the frequency of change should be slow if you actually want to taste and try an option.
The world is huge and limitless and we should aspire to get the experience of as many things in life as possible keeping in mind that we cannot experience all in one go. An experience is not worth it if ample time and effort is not invested over it.
The idea is not to hold on with one thing for a lifetime but to as many flavors as possible. At the same time, we also need to understand that it takes time to develop the taste.